Announcing Veteran Gary Miller On The Glappitnova Global Committee

Glappitnova unlocks human potential and we are super excited to have Gary Miller on the Glappitnova global committee. 

Gary is a former army officer, adventurer, and current MBA candidate at Rice University – Jones Graduate School of Business. After earning his B.A from the University of Illinois, he entered the army as an officer and a served total of 7 years in uniform. In between training and deployments, he managed to circle the globe twice and visit over 40 countries. He also managed to break barriers by taking on challenging adventures like trekking through the Himalayas to Mount Everest Base Camp, and skydiving and bungy jumping in multiple countries. Post his MBA, he plans to enter the technology space and leverage his travel and adventure experience to start a travel-centric media company.

Everything Glappitnova does is rooted in authentically bringing different types of people together in funky ways. Glappitnova is a multi-channel platform with millennial influencers, community leaders, changemakers, and mid-level – director level professionals unlocking human potential. We collide these fascinating minds, perspectives, opportunities, lifestyles, resources, and industries into intimate, unusual, and unique locations paired with content creation and engaging experiences. Our culture is real, unfiltered, and engaging.  In return, our audience and partners grow, discover, share and connect to a whole new world typically outside of their reach. We do not endorse the perspectives, lifestyles, or opinions of people we showcase, highlight, or unite.



Content Team at Glappitnova
We bring people and perspectives together.
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