How to Find Your Purpose Right Now

I want to share a simple exercise you can use to set more meaningful life and career goals. It starts by asking the question “Why?” I find myself asking this…

Get Rejected Early and Often

In-your-face rejection is a central experience of an entrepreneur. The Masters of entrepreneurship are both familiar with it and embrace it. My wife and I are in the initial launch…

3 Daily Steps to Instantly Change Your Frame

Recently, I’ve been trying to incorporate some new routines in my day. I’m trying to do 30 minutes of uninterrupted reading and writing every morning. Additionally, just 5 minutes of meditation. I’ve…

The Price of Pricing Products

“My win comes from having a positive client experience and developing a product I am proud of, not from extracting the largest profit margin.” Pricing is one of the scariest…

Economic Inequality Is The American Dream?

I read a recent article in Scientific American called “Economic Inequality: It’s Far Worse Than You Think” that talked about America’s unbalanced wealth distribution and the following silence from the less…

Resistance: It’s for real

Let me give you a picture of me “moments” before I began writing this. I’m standing in my apartment, staring at the cursor blink on my screen (standing because I put…

Poet to Watch: Wesley Rothman

Wesley Rothman’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in 32 Poems, Crab Orchard Review, Harvard Review, Mississippi Review, Narrative, New England Review, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, Vinyl, Waccamaw, Waxwing, and…