Networking At Events The Right Way

Tip: Avoid the pit fall conversations. What’s the proper way to network at events? Check out Steven Hooper, Founder of Network and Social sharing some great insights that will make attending…

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This is what democracy looks like is what was chanted, and the students let it be known that change needed to be accessed. While the Co-Founder of Glappitnova was traveling…

Dancing In The City with Alitra Cartman

Alitra Cartman (Dancer) immediately knew dance was her life calling after taking her first dance class at the age of 16. Ms. Cartman went on to attend the University of…

Australian Rapper Iggy Azalea

No money, no family…Sixteen in the middle of Miami. Iggy raps her journey to stardom in her “Work” music video.

A Different form of Fitness

Here is Parkour, and something to except at one of Glappitnova’s unorthdox classes this year at a very basic level. We like to do fitness a little differently.