Glappitnova- Music Producer Yoni Einhorn

Glappitnova: Music Producer Yoni from Glappit on Vimeo.

With having over a million hits for one of his mashup, Yoni shared a little story on why he makes music.

Glappitnova is a week long festival held in Chicago that showcases local up-and-coming, as well as prominent influencers in a variety of fields, through teaching sessions, performance sessions, and speaking session. Our one of a kind live experience allows a diverse group of curious minds to unite, discover, perform, learn, inspire, and socialize in intimate settings. Unlike traditional speaking engagements and networking events, our spaces bring you into the stories where it all comes to life. Hashtag #glappitnova and see what happens.

Websites To Rock Your World
The Social Marketplace: glappit.com
Yoni Einhorn: yonieinhorn@gmail.com
Glappitnova: glappitnova.com

Facebook Accounts:
Glappit: facebook.com/Glappit
Yoni Einhorn: facebook.com/yonieinhorn
Glappitnova: facebook.com/Glappitnova

Twitter Accounts:
Glappit: twitter.com/glappit
Yoni Einhorn: twitter.com/yonieinhorn
Glappitnova: twitter.com/glappitnova

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