Movements that not only have meaning but make you feel

Victor Ellington has experience as a dancer, model and instructor. He’s has worked with different Guatemalan artists on musical videos and concerts. We sat down a moment to chat with him where he communicated the deep meaning behind his pieces.

We sometimes wonder, How far can we get? It was three years ago before his life gave an unexpected turn that Victor Ellington asked himself this question and didn’t find the answer. It’s an answer that until now, three years later he’s beginning to find. If he’s certain about anything is that it wasn’t just one step but two steps that enabled him to embark on this incredible trip with the mindset that for anything in the world he would take a step back.

Victor says he’s created a piece, a choreography, a dance, a performance referred to as the audience chooses to. With the end goal that in every situation, moment and feeling lived during these three years of journey become movements by his body, movements that communicate to expectators the meaning that everything is possible.

Don’t miss Victor’s awe-inspiring performance this July 7th, 2016.


Get your ticket now for Exhibit in Guatemala City here. 


We mix entrepreneurship, culture, and entertainment around the world through underground showcases with extremely talented people spanning all industries. At the signature showcases expect storytelling, performances, networking, and a great first hand experience. The global celebration is July 7th – July 14th. With the large “The Big Night” showcases in Chicago July 13th, and July 14th. Ticket prices increase June 11th, and July 1st.



Glappitnova is coming to Guatemala City. Are you ready?
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