Neal Sales-Griffin Is In For Glappitnova Tonight. Don’t Miss His Set.

Neal is the CEO of CodeNow which teaches kids technology skills to make apps, do well in college and get internships. He was also the co-founder of The Starter League which was sold to Fullstack. Neal loves solving meaningful problems and making people happy. His set will be in the blue room 8:30 pm – 8:40 pm. 

At Glappitnova we unite all types of amazing and charismatic professionals spanning all industries that traditionally aren’t in the same room and smash those different perspectives inside a hidden warehouse with multiple rooms blending storytelling, performances, panels, partying and on-site mentorship. It’s our approach to inclusion blending entertainment with learning and culture. Previous participants have been Luvvie Ajayi (NYT Best-Selling Author), Harper Reed (CTO, Obama Re-elections), and you can view some of our previous +200 participants here



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