Particularly remarkable and extraordinary
With the merging of Espiral Danza and Hentze Saul Parutz comes the most stunning performance. Unique in every way possible they unite to create visuals that are combined with music and dance to produce a contemporary performance.
With every piece being created live in front of the audience you’ll be able to experience music with a style composed by nuances, environmental, sample exploring and organic rhythms, accompanied by analogous visuals and incredible dance performances to ensure an experience of a lifetime.
Natalia Cadena, Mily España, Julio Hugo Penagos, Alex Hentze, Alfonzo Parutz and Zedran Saur are an incredible talented group of people who always impress their audiences with their one of a kind performance.
Get your ticket now for Exhibit in Guatemala City here.
We mix entrepreneurship, culture, and entertainment around the world through underground showcases with extremely talented people spanning all industries. At the signature showcases expect storytelling, performances, networking, and a great first hand experience. The global celebration is July 7th – July 14th. With the large “The Big Night” showcases in Chicago July 13th, and July 14th. Ticket prices increase June 11th, and July 1st.
Check them out: