Picking the Right Mentor
Picking the right mentor can be a difficult task. You don’t want to offend certain people that have worked with you on their own by not asking them to be…
Picking the right mentor can be a difficult task. You don’t want to offend certain people that have worked with you on their own by not asking them to be…
I don’t want to be seen as a woman “with balls” just because I’m a business woman. It’s archaic and unhelpful for women to be branded with masculine traits when…
We’re uniting entrepreneurs, creatives, startups, artists, educators, and leaders under one roof. Do you want to take on the Glappitnova stage, or experience something meaningful? You will receive one ticket…
Artist, animator, and director Ryan J Woodward create a visually pleasing piece using emotions to tell a story.
We are huge fans of what Scott Bradlee is building. Check out this awesome Bluegrass version of Nicky Minaj’s Anaconda song.
Poet to Watch: Alysia Harris… …is not new to the game. A member of the spoken word collective The Strivers Row Poets, Harris performs poetry with her fellow members Joshua Bennett…
CASEY NEISTAT breaks down this 10 billion dollar business with an awesome engaging video.
Hot Doug’s is a hot dog joint in Chicago that closed on October 3rd. If you’re from Chicago or live in Chicago, you have to live under a rock to…
As a Cordon Bleu-trained saucier, and American singer-songwriter Kelis shows you how to make some great jerk sauce.