Women Don’t Need Balls
I don’t want to be seen as a woman “with balls” just because I’m a business woman. It’s archaic and unhelpful for women to be branded with masculine traits when they’re successful. I am who I am, I’m a woman, and I’m good at business. That’s it. – Kelly Hoppen
When it comes to solving the problems revolving around the inequalities of women in business, I’m sure you’ve heard the defeatist response that “women need balls” but that’s bullshit. Women are perfectly fine with the body parts given to us, thank you. We need to stop perpetuating the ideals that what is masculine is superior to feminine and stop teaching both women and men that being successful in business requires taking on masculine characteristics and discarding feminine ones. Women don’t need balls. What women need is to embrace our inner badass. Here’s how we’re going to do it…
Don’t suppress who you are.
Instead, play to your strengths. There are many articles out there teaching women to reduce their femininity such as making their voice deeper or my favorite, invest in a pants suit because then people will “really” take you seriously. There are people out there that may want to hold insignificant details against you but give them a reason to forget about it. Figure out what you’re good at and bring that to the table as the center piece. If you walk into a room and there’s a small detail about you someone doesn’t like but are able to deliver results, people will focus on the results. Smart investors or bosses won’t pass up on something that clearly projects a significant ROI because of your voice or what you wore. If they do, let someone else reap the benefits of your success.
I’m not a businessman. I’m a business, man!
Kelly Hoppen has the right idea in not wanting to be referred to as having balls because she is a good at business. When you tell a woman she has balls because she’s doing well, you’re disregarding a part of her identity and classifying it as not good enough. Kelly Hoppen got to where she is by doing what most successful people do, knowing how to handle her business. Women should embrace and celebrate who they are in relation to their success in business.
Genitals don’t produce innovation.
My favorite thing about being an entrepreneur is that I don’t have to deal with gender politics within my team. It’s the outside world that gets stuck. What motivates me everyday is that I have the honor of working with a team of individuals that is dedicated to innovating. We could care less what’s between each others legs. You shouldn’t either. Don’t get distracted by what you are because others are.
If you’re still not appreciated.
It’s time to move on. Whether it’s working at a company or trying to close a deal with an investor that faults you for being a woman, move on. Why would you want to be stuck somewhere or with someone that you’re constantly trying to prove your worth to when it will never be good enough? Sometimes, it has nothing to do with you but has to do with that individual’s mindset. Instead of spending your time trying to prove your worth, spend your time building something to share with the world.
I understand the challenges of being a woman in business. It can be infuriating when walking into a room and the thoughts that go through some people’s minds are “Will she get married then pregnant then give up on the business?” (Someone actually said this to my business partner) You can’t control how others think but you can control how you think, which in turn impacts outcomes. So the next time you think you need to have balls to succeed, reach for your inner badass instead.
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